My counselling style is warm, supportive, empathic, and clear. I aim to use a feminist, anti-racist, trauma-informed, and inclusive (LGBTQ2S+) lens in my practice.
My counselling approach is integrative, including, but not limited to:
CBT (Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy)
ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
Adlerian Therapy
Polyvagal theory
My path to parenthood was difficult and lonely. I have since realized that fertility challenges are common though seldom talked about. The often rocky road to pregnancy, pregnancy itself, the emotional postpartum period, and eventual parenting are challenging times and can leave us questioning our own competence and mental well-being.
I feel so inspired to hear other people’s journeys, and I enjoy counselling. I was always drawn to people’s stories and the emotions behind them: I noticed details and incongruencies and emotional pin points. Career-wise, I was initially drawn to medicine, but what really intrigued me about becoming a doctor was truly listening to my patients and hearing their stories and experiences. The practices of counselling and psychology spoke to me at a deep level, and pursuing this profession always felt right in my heart and in my gut.
Random facts about me:
I am happiest outside and near water
I read, a lot
I don't drink coffee
I wish I was more musically inclined
I love chocolate
Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology from Adler University
Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of British Columbia
Online Counselling
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Polyvagal Theory
British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (RCC #12365)
Counselling with me is like an extended conversation - one that is based on respect, understanding, and delving deeper. In session, this may involve: talking, listening, asking questions, reflecting, thinking, identifying feelings, gaining clarity, writing things down together, creating metaphors, accepting, committing, creating goals, and just being. Outside of a session, counselling may involve: paying attention to thoughts and feelings, experimenting with new ways of being, and noting examples or situations to discuss in the next session.
The first couple sessions involve getting to know each other, understanding the process and limitations of counselling, discussing what brings you to counselling at this time, hearing about your life, both past and present, and creating goals for counselling. Further sessions can include reflecting on how your past informs your present, discussing recent and current life events, identifying skills, strategies, strengths, and areas of growth, learning new information, identifying and applying values, gaining insight and new perspectives, and reviewing counselling goals. Ending counseling can look different for different people. Some people can clearly identify when they feel they have met their counselling goals, and will prepare for 1-2 final counselling sessions to solidify their work. Other people will start to spread out their counselling sessions, and book future sessions on an ongoing basis as needed. Both processes can work.
Counselling can bring up a lot of emotions for people. Indeed, digging deeper and allowing serious personal reflection can stir up memories, feelings, and reactions. Parts of counselling will feel uncomfortable and may trigger feelings of guilt, sadness, and anxiety, especially in the short term. However, on the flip side, counselling can also create feelings of clarity, contentment, lightness, and peace, especially in the long run. This can be poetically summed up by Carl Jung, one of the fathers of psychology. He said, “people will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.” But he also said “Who looks inside, awakes.”